Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sumpod Adventures - Part 1

So a few months ago I ordered a Sumpod 3D Printer. Due to numerous production issues, I received it last friday. I will try to show my progress here, and show any snags I run into. Hopefully it will help anyone who has similar issues. So now, on with the build!
The first thing I did was unpack and inspect all the parts, which is where the first issue came up. A few of the pieces had damaged corners, which isn't a big deal, but one part was damaged in a critical location. It's the top of the X axis. The end of it that holds the bearings for the belt is bent down, which would create a problem when trying to keep the belt aligned on the bearings and motor. And just for the record, Richard (creator of the Sumpod) did offer to send me a new part, however I figured I'd try my hand at fixing it first so he doesn't have to pay for shipping to the US.

I cut out a metal plate that would fit over the top and hopefully hold everything where it should be. This also presented some issues as the bolts were now too short. Also, the bolts for the bearings are underneath the top of the printer when assembled, and there is so little clearance that I had to use flat head bolts to avoid hitting the top of the printer. We'll see how it holds up when I get it all together.



For those of you who are building your Sumpods, a great place to start is There are downloadable PDFs with instructions. However, I noticed that his hotend is slightly different from mine, so I will document that as best I can.

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